The Tyger
by William Blake
The Tyger
by William Blake
This is for my AP English course. It's for homework stuffs. Ya know, like answering prompts and reflections. Exciting, I know.
A snap of the mural I used to judge (yes, I judged a wall), but have now come to love and anticipate seeing every time I go by. It's funny how stuff can grow on you like that. |
Leave it to Burien to have litter consisting of bejeweled alcohol. Beautiful.. I laughed, anyways. |
I just love that contrast. God is such an artist, it just blows my mind. |
The sun was just heavenly, and who doesn't appreciate a good nature scene? I just adore rays of sunlight like this, flaring through the greenery. You can't help but contemplate God's majesty. |
I just thought this was really great. I can just picture some ill-meaning person defiling the freshly laid concrete with their initials. I also love the shoe prints, imagining the startled person who ruined their favorite pair as they wandered through here thinking the concrete was dry. These are real, human moments. Real people with real lives. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the fact that there are 7 billion other people on this planet with 7 billion different lives being experienced. My tiny perspective is so narrow. Mind blown. |
I am thankful for the originality and creative uniqueness of everyone in my AP Lit class. Each one has their own perspective to share and bring to the group |
I am thankful for wonderful and hilarious friends that I can do literally anything with and still have more fun than I've ever had before. |
I am thankful for two wonderful siblings that are both so different, and add so much enjoyment to my life. I am so happy that I get to share moments like these with them. |
I am also thankful for coordinated sibling frowning. |
I am thankful for my parents that would do anything for me, and somehow put up with my nonsense on a daily basis. |
I am thankful for random Asian babies that actually want me to hold them. They really are the cutest of the baby species. |
I am thankful for delicious Christmas tree cookies that represent a family tradition following a successful Christmas tree hunt. |
I am thankful for stuffed animals that have "accurate anatomical design". Come on, you can't help but smile. |
I am thankful for friends that serenade me with their glorious guitar strumming and beautiful voice. |
I am thankful for my loving cat who sits in the oddest of places and uses me for warmth. |
I am thankful for raising my voice in song and worship along with my fellow believers at church. It is my favorite part of every service. |
Finally, I am thankful for every little light and pine needle that eventually come together to form the most magnificent of Christmas trees. |